Saturday, January 5, 2008

My sister likes books.

Gentle readers, I accuse my sister of liking books. I submit photographic evidence collected last night.

The book shelf in the dining room.

The three book shelves in the library

The book shelf in the kitchen.

The two in the hall

The one in the spare room

The one next to her bed.

And finally, these boxes of books yet to be unpacked.

I rest my case.

5 people easily amused:


I don't have that many shelves in my whole house!!

Couldn't make out titles so I'm not sure how to start my " can I borrow" list. *grin*

Michelle said...

I assume all the Mills & Boon books that I saw that time are still in the boxes?

Carl V. Anderson said...

I'm not sure 'likes' books is the proper description! LOL! I love it!

Tee-La said...

If you'd told me you were going to post pictures on the internet I would have tidied the shelves!

And yes, the Mills and Boons are still boxed, though I would like to point out that many are classic M&B from the 1940s.

Tracey said...

My husband wouldn't allow me to have that many bookshelves! I am envious!