Sunday, December 9, 2007

Whilst shopping today...

Tee-la and I were out shopping with the Sith Lord and his young apprentice today when something happened that reminded me to post about this website.

After a not-very-carefully-thought-through purchase of relatively large frozen raspberry 'cokes' for both kids, the apprentice went a little crazy in Woolworths supermarket. In the pet food aisle he tackled the Sith Lord to the floor and made sure he couldn't get up. Tee-la reprimanded them, dragged the apprentice off his brother and pushed them toward me. I said in a voice loud enough for the shoppers around us to hear - ' Thank goodness Tee-la. It's about time you went cross at your boys!'. Sooooo funny. Anyhoo this evening when I was telling my husband about what happened I remembered that I wanted to let you all know about the funniest website around.

Overheard in ... has a few pages where people post funny things they hear co-workers etc say. Here are a couple of recent ones.

10AM Or the Philadelphia Equivalent

Employee #1: I've never worked in an office building where there are so many plants. It's getting to look like a jungle in here.

Employee #2: I don't care about how it looks. I'm just worried that these plants are going to use up all of our oxygen.

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Someone's a "Vegetarian"

Arnold Schwarzenegger: [Marijuana] is not a drug. It's a leaf.

GQ Magazine


Elizabeth Hurley: I've always wanted to be a spy, and frankly, I'm a little surprised that British intelligence has never approached me.

Overheard by: jenner

Can We Get a Tree and Go Crypto?

Girl: Oh, look how pretty they are! Can we pleeease get a Christmas tree? A little one?

Guy: Uh, no.

Girl: Well, why not?

Guy: Because we're Jewish.

--Astor Pl & Lafayette. Overheard by: Couple passing by

4 people easily amused:

Michelle said...

I love that site. I've not looked at it for aaaaaaaages though.

Tee-La said...

As I said loudly in the shop Nobody thinks that they are MY children.


Why can everyone remember things word for work except me?


Apparently I can even butcher song titles.


apparently I can't even spell the same word correctly twice.